
A New Year, Your New Career: the San Antonio 2018 Tech Job Fair is Here!

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It’s a new year, which means it’s the perfect time for another Tech Job Fair!

Hosted by CodeUp every year, the San Antonio Tech Job Fair is a public event where dozens of major tech companies meet up to find their next employee—and that could be YOU!

If you’re in the tech industry and looking to start the next chapter on your professional life, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to meet face-to-face with up to 40 different companies across all various fields of tech.

Ready to throw your techie hat into the ring? Here are the details:

When: Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Where: Jack Guenther Pavilion, at the Briscoe Museum

Click here to RSVP for the event so you can check-in problem-free when the doors open at 5 PM. Worried about parking downtown? No need—all city parking garages and street meters are FREE after 5 pm! Plan to get downtown early though, as traffic tends to be heavy around then.

Don’t wait until the last minute to sign up; every previous Tech job fair has filled up every single one of 500 spots. So get those khakis cleaned and pressed, print out a few dozen copies of your resume, and get ready to launch your career!