National Security Collaboration Center teams with School of Data Science and Institute of Economic Development towards ecosystem goals.
Join in conversation as our COO Phillip Hernandez guests speaks!
UTSA’s NSCC, SDS, and IED are teaming together for Coffee Conversations. The event will bring together a unique blend of university associates, government, and industry cohorts with intent to inspire interactive and innovative dialogue, problem solving, networking, and brainstorming. As an incentive to spark conversations there will be two featured guests, each having 15 minutes to share information about their program or organization.
The NSCC, SDS, and IED aim to create an interactive conversational format to highlight community perspectives. Feedback gathered from conversations will broaden participant’s knowledge of engagement opportunities and the discovery of community needs that will lead to solutions, research, commercialization and strengthening the ecosystem enterprise.
Coffee Conversations will typically happen on a Thursday morning from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM CST, with a :30-minute mixer prior and after the event.
The intended audience and participants will include ecosystem community members, faculty researchers, SDS, IED, NSCC Staff & associates. Coffee will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite blend!
PARKING OPTIONS to San Pedro 1 Building