
November Press Conference Live Stream


gener8tor Cybersecurity Accelerator Launches in San Antonio 

to Attract High-Growth Startups 

Geekdom to House Initial Five-Company Cohort 

(San Antonio, Nov. 17, 2021) Geekdom, San Antonio’s premier collaborative startup community, has  announced the launch of gener8tor Cybersecurity Accelerator, an initiative that will connect high-growth  cybersecurity technology startups to the coaching, capital, and connections they need to build and grow their  businesses. 


The gener8tor Cybersecurity Accelerator offers a cutting-edge program in San Antonio, home to the second largest concentration of cybersecurity experts in the United States. The 12-week gener8tor Cybersecurity  Accelerator will be housed within Geekdom, located in the heart of the downtown tech district. The  accelerator will give startups the opportunity to gain traction for rapid growth in the dynamic tech ecosystem  of the Alamo City. 


“This accelerator is critical as we work to build San Antonio one startup at a time,” said Charles Woodin, CEO,  Geekdom. “Cybersecurity companies will get the help they need to bridge the gap between early-stage  startup and becoming revenue positive. In addition, it will inspire our local companies and tech talent and  elevate San Antonio’s position in the national tech conversation.”  


Led by gener8tor, a nationally ranked Wisconsin-based accelerator that invests in high-growth startups, this  San Antonio-based accelerator will launch in 2022 and accept applications from across the United States. During each accelerator cohort, gener8tor invests $100,000 in five startups selected through a competitive  application and review process, and provides a network of experienced mentors, technologists, and funding  partners to help companies grow. 


“We’re excited to launch gener8tor Cybersecurity in San Antonio,” said Troy Vosseller, co-founder of  gener8tor. “This is our first equity-based accelerator in Texas and our first cybersecurity accelerator in the  nation. We applaud our San Antonio partners for wanting to amplify their already dominant cybersecurity sector in this thriving tech environment. The companies we  select will live and work here, and when their program ends, our goal is to encourage them to stay here  where they can continue to grow.” 


San Antonio is home to more than 40 cybersecurity company headquarters, and includes numerous private,  federal, and education assets from the 16th Air Force’s base of operations on Security Hill to UTSA’s National  Security Collaboration Center, NSA-Texas, and private companies like Jungle Disk, Bitdefender, SecureLogix,  and many more. UTSA’s School of Data Science and National Security Collaboration Center are under  construction at its downtown campus and expected to be completed in July 2022. 


“Thank you to Geekdom for their leadership in bringing gener8tor to San Antonio and to gener8tor for  choosing our city,” said Ron Nirenberg, San Antonio Mayor. “A cybersecurity-focused accelerator located in  our downtown core will help our ecosystem build on its strengths, creating further opportunities for local  cybersecurity startups while also bringing in new startups, new talent, and new growth possibilities with each  cohort.” 


The gener8tor Cybersecurity Accelerator will host one cohort in Year 1 (2022) of the program, and two  cohorts in Years 2 (2023) and 3 (2024), for a total of 25 startups over three years. The program will include  three full-time gener8tor staff, as well as ongoing support from Geekdom and the San Antonio tech  community.  


Startups interested in applying or wanting to meet with the gener8tor Cybersecurity Accelerator team  may visit 

Frequently Asked Questions about gener8tor Cybersecurity Accelerator: