
Temporarily Closing of Space

The rand and covid-19 update


Dear Geekdom Community,

We hope this message finds you well. The Geekdom staff has continued to monitor the news of the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the evolving impact it is having in our city and across the world. We care deeply about everyone’s safety and well-being and want to err on the side of caution with this.

As of 5:00 PM on March 18th we will be temporarily closing Geekdom’s doors and will reevaluate this week by week as new developments come out. We ask all office and community members to work from home until further notice.

Please take the business day tomorrow to gather any of your personal belongings from the space. If you are unable to make it to Geekdom tomorrow please reach out to our staff to schedule a time to pick up anything you may need.

While these are obviously significant steps that may cause disruption, we nonetheless feel compelled to take these steps in light of the most recent developments in San Antonio. The virus continues to spread nationally and in Texas, and we want to do our part to keep our members and our city safe and healthy.

For anyone that has mail service at Geekdom: We will be sending out a separate email tomorrow with more information on how to handle mail service during this period. Additionally, Geekdom staff will be working from the space from 9 AM – 5 PM for the remainder of the week in case you have any questions. All of us can be reached by the Geekstaff-Help channel on Slack, our support forms on our website, or by emailing

For updated information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC at, or our local health department at

We will be evaluating this situation week by week and hope to open back up as soon as possible. The safety and health of all Geekdom members is our top priority during this time. The leadership team at Geekdom is doing our best to stay well-informed of this developing situation and hope you all continue to stay healthy!


Charles Woodin