
Things We Loved about 2021

2021 blog post graphic

Well 2021 has come to a close, and what a wild year it was. We have learned to take things as they come, facing every challenge head-on and understanding that each of us have hit 5 or 10 or 100 bumps in the road along the way. In accepting that set backs are guaranteed to arise, we’ve learned to face them boldly and use ingenuity and innovation to overcome and overachieve.

Some of the bumps have been fun though! Some like a rollercoaster even and who doesn’t love a good rollercoaster?

Let’s take a ride down memory lane to look at some of the moments that made 2021 a year for the books.


2021 Community Fund

The Community Fund is our quarterly pitch competition that gives Geekdom Members the opportunity to receive $25K in seed funding. This year we awarded the following companies:


Blooming with Birdie

Blooming with Birdie helps parents support their children to use technology as a tool for learning by providing high-quality digital learning experiences that are designed by educators and inspired by Montessori and Mister Rogers.

2021 Q4 Community Fund


Dewy Organics and Pretty Simple App

Dewy Organics strives to becomes a source for women and men that are aware of the benefits plant and fungi based skin care has to offer with plant based products that power your daily skin care routine.

Pretty Simple App is a leads tracking app for the very small business. Built by solopreneurs for solopreneurs.

2021 Q3 Community Fund


Curate Community

Curate is a fun way to help you stay connected with the people who matter most and leave a legacy for those to follow.

2021 Q1 CF


We’re immensely proud to have been able to continue this program for the companies and founders in our community. A huge thank you to all of the judges and everyone who voted for your crowd favorites!


2021 Pilot Programs


Legal Clinic

In 2021, we started our legal clinics and were able to help 100 LLC’s be filed in partnership with SASW and DJ Law.

2021 LLCs


Geekdom Network

We launched the Geekdom Network, a place where the Geekdom community can connect and keep up with upcoming events.

launch of 2021 geek network


Launch of the Geekdom Underground podcast

Yet another way to make our members famous, we started launching the Geekdom Underground podcast once a week, talking to remarkable individuals about their areas of expertise.

2021 of Geekdom Underground

Space Improvements

The 7th floor got a complete makeover with the installment of Vari furniture and standing desks. This added incredible functionality and visual appeal to the space.

2021 space upgrades


Fiesta Tech Trek

We hosted an open house party in our space with an online screening of the virtual Tech Trek event and some fun and games.
2021 fiesta tech trek

Geekdom Celebrates 10 Years and Unveils Rebrand

For our 10 year anniversary, we went all out, hosting a huge party in Travis Park where we invited ALL our friends from the Geekdom community to come celebrate with us. We also launched the Geekdom rebrand including a new website and new vision.

2021 bday


Geekdom hosts first San Antonio Innovation Forum

Geekdom hosted the first-of-its-kind Innovation Forum which involved a panelist of 4 experts in the field of cybersecurity who shared insights into current and upcoming trends in an ever-changing industry.

2021 innovation forum



Pre-accelerator Demo Day

In 2021 we had our most diverse and Pre-accelerator cohort yet as well as an incredible Demo Day! 2021 pre accelorator


Startup Weekend

We had some amazing startup weekends in 2021, seeing founders take their ideas to the next level and beyond!

2021 startup wkd

Community Announcements


Geekdom CEO Wins 40 under 40

Charles Woodin, CEO of Geekdom, was honored in San Antonio Business Journal’s 40 under 40.

2021 Charles


New COO at Geekdom

Phillip Hernandez stepped into the role of COO at Geekdom and was honored at C-Suite Awards.

2021 Phillip


Betty’s Co Wins Tech Fuel Grand Prize

Betty’s Co took home 1st place in the Tech Fuel pitch competition, winning the 50k prize.

2021 Bettys co



Geekdom partnered with gener8tor to bring a Cybersecurity accelerator to downtown San Antonio, announcing the exciting news during a press conference hosted in our event space and attended by Mayor Ron and other influential leaders in San Antonio. The cybersecurity accelerator will be housed here at Geekdom.

2021 gener8tor

Thank You

Aaaand that’s a wrap! We had an amazing year and have each of you to thank for so many incredible memories! We are pumped for all the things coming in 2021 and hope you will come along for the ride.