Testing is located inside the Geekdom Basement. It is provided for free for Geekdom Members. Testing is done by Community Labs. No appointment required. Follow this link to register for testing.
Mondays: 8:00am-10:00am
Wednesdays: 11:00am-1:00pm
Fridays: 8:00am-1:00pm
Find Geekdom’s most recent policies list here.
What is Assurance Testing?
Assurance Testing is the consistent and frequent testing of every person who enters our community. This is the fastest and most scientifically proven way to suppress a pathogenic virus.
What is the Assurance Testing Program at Geekdom?
The Assurance Testing Program is an ongoing program where, in addition to the existing health and safety protocols in place, on-site testing is available to Geekdom members. Testing will occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. No appointment is required. The tests will be self-administered with the supervision of a medical professional in the Geekdom Basement.
When/Where is the Assurance Testing Program at Geekdom?
Testing is located inside the Geekdom Basement. It will be available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Mondays: 8:00am-10:00am
Wednesdays: 11:00am-1:00pm
Fridays: 8:00am-1:00pm
What kind of test is it?
It is the front nostril PCR test.
How much does the test cost?
The costs are 100% covered.
Why are we doing this?
We want to detect infections as quick as possible to mitigate the risk of transmission. As soon as we know of an infection, we want to be able to ensure that (a) the infected individual does not come to work and receives medical attention, (b) any close contacts within the building can be identified, supported and tested as appropriate, and may be asked to self-quarantine, and (c) cleaning and schedules can be adjusted as needed.
What are the goals of Assurance Testing?
1) We want to test our community population to provide an additional data point to our community members so they can make informed decisions and have the confidence to come back to work.
2) We want to prove the validity of our process so it can be adopted and utilized elsewhere.
Who can get tested?
Assurance Testing is limited to Geekdom Members only at this time.
When will I get my results?
These tests provide rapid results. You should have your test result within 24 hours of the test.
How will I get notified?
You will receive a text message or email with viewing instructions from Community Labs.
What happens if I get a negative result?
Follow Geekdom’s policies regarding mask wearing & testing. You can find the most updated policy here.
What happens if I get a positive result?
Per the CDC, you are not able to schedule your next test and/or have access to Geekdom until after: 7 days* since symptoms first appeared and 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and COVID-19 symptoms have improved (for example, cough, shortness of breath).
*CDC recommends 5 days, Geekdom policy is 7 days.
Reference: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s1227-isolation-quarantine-guidance.html
I’ve already had COVID-19 and I already spent 5 days in quarantine. Am I able to enter Geekdom?
Per the CDC, accumulating evidence supports ending isolation and precautions for persons with COVID-19 using a symptom-based strategy vs. the test-based strategy. Specifically, researchers have reported that people with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after their symptoms began, and those with more severe illness or those who are severely immunocompromised remain infectious no longer than 20 days after their symptoms began.
Reference: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s1227-isolation-quarantine-guidance.html
Who has access to my test result?
The member, Geekdom representative, Community Labs and Metro Health will have access to your test results.
Where did this concept come from?
This came from The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, an institution seeking to improve human health by using genomics to advance our understanding of the biology and treatment of human disease, and to help lay the groundwork for a new generation of therapies.
In May, they successfully introduced Intensive Testing to their existing protocols so their scientists could return to work (read more). They have been able to stay open throughout this whole pandemic. They have since partnered up with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to support the state’s “Stop the Spread” initiative (read more).
Is anyone else doing this?
There is an initiative called “Crush the Curve” in Idaho that started to provide similar offerings and solutions to essential workers back in April in response to the local Stay Home order (read more). Since then, the concept of testing asymptomatic individuals has been adopted and the project has scaled to be available to many more businesses (read more).
Why do this at Geekdom?
With the options we have right now, this is the fastest, least expensive and most scientifically proven solution to get back to work and reopen San Antonio. At Geekdom, we pride ourselves in being the thought leaders of our space and we reside in the innovation hub of the Tech District. It makes sense for us to pilot this innovative, scientific, data driven approach to testing and returning to work. This is not a cure. This is not a vaccine. This is an opportunity to do what we do best: ideate, collaborate and innovate towards a solution. We will be a leader in this effort, providing a real solution that could bring us back to work and be an example for other organizations, cities and states.
How can I participate?
Assurance Testing is available to all Geekdom members on a walk-in basis on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Follow this link to register for testing. Reach out to testing@geekdom.com for any questions regarding Assurance Testing at Geekdom.